"Penguins prefer real
January 25-27
Traveled to Teuge, Netherlands accompanied
by Mick Bevan (engineer). The purpose of the visit was to inspect
a Piper Cherokee Six aircraft for possible purchase from Peter
De Graff. The aircraft's Dutch registration is PH-SMD. Much time
was spent reviewing the history of SMD and all logs and maintenance
records were found to be in order. Mick made a through inspection
of the airframe and engine and passed her fit for the goals of
WF2003. We were joined by Keith Tomlin, who is acting as broker
for the sale. SMD was demonstrated in flight and found to be most
enjoyable to fly. Other flying this weekend took place in De Havilland
Chipmunks. The weather didn't allow for aerobatics we did get
to do some close formation flying. Peter's other passion in life
apart from flying is penguins. Mick captured both in this doodle
titled 'Penguins prefer real airplanes.

to Teuge Airfield, Holland in a Chipmunk.
to Teuge Airfield in PH-SMD.
at the end of the day.