July 1-2nd Seattle
to New Jersey
1902 nautical
miles over 2 days, 13 hours flying
in Seattle waiting for a clearance from the Transport Security Agency meant we
had to alter our plans for crossing the USA. It would now be completed in two
days with only on overnight stop. Thanks again to Wayne for putting us up for
the extra nights we had in Seattle.
arrived early morning at Galvin Flying services to file plans for the days flying.
On taxi we were mixed in between corporate jets and departing Boeing aircraft.
It was good to see an Easyjet 737 lining up to take off on its delivery flight
to the UK from Boeing Field. After take off we were instructed to climb to 13000
feet. SMD was able to achieve this without to much hard work as we had only 84
gallons of fuel on board. As we turned eastbound we could see Mount Ranier (an
active 10 000ft volcano) looking down on the city of Seattle. Our track would
take us over the high terrain of the Cascades, which lie immediately to the east
of Seattle. Sitting at 13000 feet the outside air temperature was a cool minus
8. It was a clear run to Shelby County airport in Montana. A brief stop was made
for fuel and some light lunch before continuing on to Fargo, North Dakota.
forecast showed a cold front lying to the west of Fargo and we were unsure whether
or not we would be able to climb above the weather. We departed Shelby and climbed
to 9000 feet. The flying in this part of the world was in complete contrast to
other places due to low lying terrain. The weather associated with the front never
materialised and arrival into Fargo was made in beautiful evening sunshine. Our
stay here would be brief as once again we would try to out run poor weather approaching
from the west. An early departure was called for and we arrived at the airport
around 8am to make a final check on the weather and fuel up for the 9 hour trip
to new Jersey. Our decision to depart early was well justified as Fargo was forecasting
winds of 60-70 miles an hour about four hours after our planned departure time.
However there was more bad weather west of New York that might affect our planned
of Chicago past the Great Lakes the weather deteriorated with severe weather warnings
issued to all aircraft in the area and aircraft heading South East. A line of
thunder clouds had developed with cloud tops reaching 50,000 feet, there was no
way we would climb over this weather so we would have to divert around it. We
gave Flight Watch (weather advisory service while onroute) a call on frequency
122.00 MHz to get the update on the bad weather. They advised us to fly east and
not attempt to continue on our flight plan track. We headed east with the dark
sky and bad weather clearly visible off to the right of the aircraft. Skirting
through Cumulous (heat clouds) we were bounced around and tried a climb to 11,000
feet but found we were now deep in cloud and still being bounced around by the
turbulence. Also concerned about icing which can very quickly build up on the
aircraft at temperatures below freezing and in cloud/ precipitation we tried to
climb over the cloud and headed up to 13,000 feet. It was better up at 13,000
for a while but soon after, cloud at our level appeared ahead so we descended
back to 11,000 feet where we were able to stay for the rest of the flight.
New Jersey we were transferred to New York Centre Air Traffic Control. They gave
us vectors (compass headings) to fly to have us remain clear of the busy New York
airspace, descending us along the way. Approaching New Jersey Regional Airport
it was getting dark and not an easy airport to pick out during dusk. The airport
did not have ILS approach only an off station VOR. We were vectored into the area
for a visual approach and asked to contact McQuire Airforce Base as we neared
their airspace. They cleared us for landing at South Jersey Regional. While on
a Base Leg for landing we heard the friendly voice of Al Nugent on the radio confirming
we were setup for landing. On Finals for landing it was gusty conditions and the
runway although 4,000 feet long was very narrow compared to the main airports
we were used to landing at. Taxing in we saw a crowd of about 30 people at the
restaurant building, we pulled up outside not realising they were all there to
meet us. On embarking from our aircraft we were greeted with warm handshakes,
a cold bear each and flowers. It was truly a wonderful moment to have so many
people there to wish us luck and welcome to New Jersey. Thanks to Al Nugent for
organising the warm welcome. Al is originally from Galway and moved to the USA
over twenty years ago. Al is very much involved with South Jersey Regional airport
as well as in the excellent air museum at the airport. Not only that but Al is
a camera man in the local TV stations helicopter and also the ground crew for
a fighter jet.
O'Hara who runs BP Air at South Jersey Regional sponsored our trip by giving us
a free of charge maintenance check. PH-SMD would have a thorough engine check
and maintenance before our next sector, the Atlantic crossing to home.
evening we spent chatting to the guys from South Jersey Regional Airport over
a few welcome cold bears. Special thanks to
Al Nugent for oganising a super weekend in New Jersey for us, Billy O'Hara of
BP Air for maintenance, Steve
Bulboff for organising a flight for us in a Aero Vodochody L-59 fighter Jet, Brad
& Mike of Patriot Air Services, Doug
Herlihey of Helicopter Flight Services
and Vince & Jim of the Lunt
Runway Cafe for feeding us so well while we were there.
Thanks to everyone at South Jersey Regional for making our visit to New Jersey
so enjoyable.